Nov 142008

Episode #3 helps inform the customer about bowling ball performance level. What are the differences between Entry Level, Mid, and High Performance?

New feature of allows users to store their average, ball speed, style, etc… We tell you all about it in this episode.

  76 Responses to “Talk Bowling #3 – Bowling Ball Performance”

  1. Great bowling information…I came across through watching a Virtual Gravity ball demo you guys did on Youtube…..I bought one today… ..Chip Taylor the Pro Shop owner drilled up a house shot…I used to throw a big hook..I'm going straighter now..I average 187..medium speed…first two games out of the box were 221-224..with the last 3 frames opens on one of those games..had the first 4 strikes in one game and the first 7 strikes in the other(I opened the last three frames on that game LOL) ..I went up to a 16 lb. ball instead of the 15 lb. this time…This ball destroys the pocket….I only left 2 10 pins in those two games…amazing..I had around 10-12 board area to throw…depending on speed and hand….I'll keep your website in mind the next time I need something…Happy Bowling!…Dave Delaney Jr.

  2. Great vid cast. Hard to hear the audio a bit but still great concept. Might want to order up a shot gun mic or lav mic each person but the shot gun mic will work fine.

    I use the ME66…The mic is really hot. It can pick up a pin dropping.

    I am going to give you guys a link on

    Great stuff.

  3. I’m so glad to have found your web page. My pal mentioned it to me before, yet never got around to checking it out until now. I must express, I’m floored. I really enjoyed reading through your posts and will absolutely be back to get more.

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  5. Very nice site!

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