We cover some of the latest news in the bowling industry in this episode.
We cover some of the latest news in the bowling industry in this episode.
Have you ever thrown a bowling ball down the lane, watched it start to move left (or right) and then just stop? Bowling ball roll out occurs near the back end of the lane when the bowling ball stops its left or right movement and continues straight back to the pit.
Bowling ball roll can best be described as the ball using all of its energy in the front of the lane and not storing enough to continue down the lane. If this occurs, you need to do one of two things. Usually changing bowling balls to a higher polish will do the trick. You can also try changing your speed or side rotation to cause less friction through the heads.
This is why some bowlers have so many bowling balls. It’s easier to match a bowling ball to the lane condition, than to change the way you bowl.
Gambling and Bowling are almost synonymous. There are a few common games that we play for money while bowling that new bowlers may not be aware of or completely understand. Don’t be afraid to ask as it is a great way to meet people and have a little fun.
The most common games are
Bowling Brackets – 8 person mini tournaments during league play
Bowling Nassau – Simply high game wins the pot. One pot per game.
Bowling Cut-the-Field – Similar to brackets, but you bowl against the entire field, not just one other person.
Have you ever wondered what the target temperature for a bowling center is? Did you know that the humidity level in a bowling center can affect the lane conditions and the way that oil moves on the lane? Watch this episode to learn more.
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