The World’s Largest Bowling Pin

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Sep 062010

I just read an interesting blog post on Go Big or Go Home. This looks like a great blog of a fun loving family that visits the world’s largest _YOU NAME IT_. In this post they visited the world’s largest bowling pin. And I didn’t even know that it is only a few hours away from our offices.

Want to read more, visit Go Big or Go Home.

 Posted by at 7:09 pm
Sep 032010

Talk Bowling – Episode #62

Question from Jon B:
Q – Hey guys, I’m a bowler from Canton, Ohio.  I’m just wondering why Lane #1, Elite and Lane Masters balls are so expensive?  And if they are so good why aren’t the pros throwing them?

A – Well Lane #1 and Lane Masters are not only smaller privately owned companies but they also pride themselves on making very high quality product.  Being a smaller company obviously their production costs are a little higher which will drive up he price of their product.

Lane #1 has come a long way and we offer their product at very competitive pricing on

Elite on the other hand is a private label company and in that case they have set the prices higher for whatever their reasons are.

All three companies to my knowledge are not product registered with the PBA Tour and this is why you do not see professionals using them on tv.

Question from Frank H:
Q – Why is it so hard to get bowlers to join a sport league?  We tried at our local bowling center and only 4 people showed up.  I personally like the challenge of Sport patterns.  Is there a better way to promote the league?  Is is because of the cost of running a sport league or the fear of the drop in average?  I would like to know your guys opinion on sprt bowling maybe people in Florida are different than people here in Hickory, NC?

A – First of all Frank I love Hickory, NC.  There was a comic from Hickory, John Reep, a few years ago that was on Last Comic Standing and he was hilarious.

Back to your question, my opinion is that people are a little reluctant to join a sport league and see what their average may really be on a little tougher shot.  Most people feel they are better then they really are as we all do in sports or different things we participate in.  In our area it was also very difficult to get a good sport league started, I also feel the cost was a little draw back but mostly people not wanting to bowl on anything but their good old house shot.


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Answer to last weeks question:
Q – What is the record for the most 300 games in one day?

A – 4 – Troy Ockerman of Owassa, MI

This weeks question:
Q –   Who holds the record for the most gutter balls in one game and how many was it?

 Posted by at 7:39 am

Talk Bowling #61 – Tony’s Ball Motion

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Aug 272010

Question from masterchief247 via YouTube:
Q – Revolver video – On Tony’s ball, you can see the pin migrate over into a very stable position, which I think is really neat and helpful to see your ball reaction down lane.  How would I find the drilling that would do the same for me.  Is there a way to compare your PAP distance to different drillings to find it?

A – On the video you are referring to what you are seeing down lane for a second is actually my thumb hole.  As the ball makes it move off the break point for just a second there is grey blur, that is my thumb sleeve.

If you are wanting to see your ball motion down lane there are a few different ways you can place white tape on your ball to see the ball path.  Please check back with us in a week or so and we will have a video showing you how to tape your ball to get a better look at your ball motion.

Question from Reggie M:
Q – You guys have done a lot of demos on different balls.  I noticed for your layouts sometimes you have the pin above the fingers and sometimes below, stacked leverage.  How do you determine the layout you are going to use for a particular bowling ball or do you just have a favorite layout that you commonly use.

A – Good question, we do a little bit of everything.  We do use some of our favorite layouts.  More recently we have been trying to have at least one of the demo balls drilled with the manufacturer strongest recommended layout.

When we test balls we are trying to show the viewer what the balls potential is so we try and use more common layouts that they may use if they purchase that ball.  We do try and mix it up so that we can show different looks to our viewers.

The pin being above or below the fingers most of the time depends on the pin length from the cg and the distance we are trying to place the pin from our PAP.

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TalkBowling viewers can save 12% just by visiting
Help support us by supporting our sponsors.

Answer to last weeks question:
Q – What year did the Olympic games offer bowler competition?

A – In 1936 in Berlin, Germany

This weeks question:
Q – What is the record for the most 300 games in one day?

Look for our upcoming video of the Motiv Cruel C51 on


 Posted by at 8:52 am
Aug 202010

Question from Coffolot:
Q – Hey guys, Just a question for John.  I bowl a similar style and speed to you.  Just wondering on light oil what would be your preferred ball?  At the moment I am using a Tropical Storm and Tropical Storm Heat.  Thanks

A – To date, my favorite ball for lighter oil would be the Brunswick Slingshot.  There are 5 colors to choose from, mine being the Silver/Black.  It’s been a great bowling ball especially for the price point.

Question from Curtis M:
Q – Can you tell me how to adjust to different oil patterns.  Like when it’s a short pattern vs. a longer oil pattern?

A – Telling someone how to adjust is nearly impossible since there are so many variables that come into play from lane surface to the bowlers release.  The easiest way to describe what you may want to try would be first make sure your equipment and the surface of your equipment match up to what you are bowling on.

With all the different balls on the market today you can usually find something that will match up to almost every pattern.  Other people try things like adjusting the ball speed they use or the obvious where they play on the lane.

The most important thing is to find a part of the lane where you feel comfortable and then find a ball that you can get to the pocket and carry with.  What ends up working for you may not work at all for the bowler next to you.

Comment from Manny:
I would really appreciate it if you (Tony or John) could email me a coupon.  Thanks

Good through 8/27/2010 talk bowling viewers can use promo code “talkbowling5” to receive $5 off any order $30 or more.  Thank you again to all of our viewers for your support.

In The Pro Shop
Today we will show you how Turbo’s Switch Grip works.

This weeks episode is brought to you by 900 Global.  Check out all of 900 Global’s new releases including the Profit and the Bank.

900 Global is offering a chance to win a seat at the World Series of Poker main event.  Consumers who purchase a Bank can fill out the form with the ball for your chance to win.

You can see the Bank and all of 900 Global’s products on  Be sure to check out the Bank ball reaction video and the video highlighting their new Self Righting Core technology.

Answer to last weeks question:
Q – When King Henry VIII outlawed bowling, he gave three reasons, what were they?

A – He believed that bowling had become a vicious form of gambling.  His soldiers were spending too much time bowling.  Bowling was only a privilege of the wealthy.
(Congrats to Kingpin for answering correctly)

This weeks question:
Q – What year did the Olympic games offer bowler competition?

A – In 1936 in Berlin, Germany
 Posted by at 6:00 am
Aug 132010

Question from Chris H:
Q – What is the best way to get oil out of a reactive resin ball?  I have heard placing the ball in a oven, to a warm water bath with dawn, or placing ball outside in warm weather?

A – We do not suggest any of the methods you mentioned.  Ball manufacturers do not endorse those methods either and they all can lead to damage to your ball.

We suggest using an oil free or microfiber towel during bowling and using an approved bowling ball cleaner after each time you bowl.  What you want to do is use the towel to remove the oil that is not absorbed into the cover and then use an oil remover/cleaner afterwards to help draw out the oil that was absorbed.

In The Pro Shop
Today we will show you how to use a microfiber or oil free towel and also how to apply ball cleaner to your ball.

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TalkBowling viewers can save 12% just by visiting
Help support us by supporting our sponsors.

Answer to last weeks question:
Q – How much pressure impacts the lane when a 16 lb ball meets the surface of the lane?

A – 1800 pounds per square inch
Congrats to kingpin for answering correctly

This weeks question:
Q – When King Henry VIII outlawed bowling, he gave three reasons, what were they?

 Posted by at 6:00 am