Talk Bowling #67 – How to Become More Consistent

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Oct 152010

Talk Bowling – Episode #67

A quick note on our ball test videos.  We had some issues on the screen where we show our lane oil pattern.  The correct number of units is 26 units on a 38 foot pattern.  We apologize for the confusion but these are the specs we currently use for all of our ball tests.

Question from Sam:
Q – I’ve been bowling for about 2 years and my average is around 175, but i still feel like my release is not consistent from shot to shot.  I hear different things from different people about what to do with my hand at the point of release. What do you find is the best way to create the most revs at the point of release.

A – It sounds like if you do not already you should try out a few different wrist devices to help you learn what your release should feel like.  Most of the time you only need to wear these for a period of time until your muscle memory figures out what it should feel like.

Other then that I always try and feel the ball on the inside part of my hand, this helps me transfer the weight from the inside over at release.  Also keep in mind you are looking for more revs not more spin so think of trying to spiral a football on the tip of the ball.  This motion is what you what to achieve at the bottom of your swing.

Question from Colton T:
Q – First thank you guys for all the hard work you put into ball reviews and talk bowling episodes, always filled with great information and discussions and i look forward to upcoming episodes and reviews. I would like your opinion on Motiv and the equipment they produce, for the past year and a half I have thrown nothing but Motiv and it seems as though slowly Motiv is growing popular amongst amateur bowlers in my area. I think this is due to there overall performance and also the staff or seed players they’ve put together to push the product, one of which drills at my local pro shop and posts reviews very similar to yours of all there equipment. This is a bit long winded and i apologize but would love to hear your opinion and hope that you continue to review there products as they come out.

A – We are very excited about the future of the Motiv brand.  We just recently started working with the guys at Motiv and so far we are very impressed all around with their products.  I agree that a strong “grass roots” program helps a new brand and with them getting more exposure this year on both an amateur and professional level I think they will excel even more.  At this point everything we have seen from Motiv appears to be very high quality and performs great.

Question from Kevin in Wisconsin:
Q – A older gentleman on our team throws an old-fashion straight ball using a classic Brunswick beauty that is older than I am. I’m concerned that this old ball might not be legal/sanctioned if he would bowl a very high game or series (or if this is even a concern). Most new balls today outside of Viz or plastic balls have cores that are constructed to hook. Is there a newer ball on the market designed for straight shot bowlers that could help with his game, and meet all official bowling regulations?

Enjoy your show very much, keep up the good work!

A – Kevin for an older ball to be legal for use in USBC league play it has to have a manufacturer name and ball name on it.  It also has to have a serial number.  I am sure his ball is legal for use even though it is so old.

As for getting him a newer ball I would suggest a reactive resin ball.  Even if he is throwing it straight a reactive ball will still create more friction with the lane surface giving him more ball rotation as the ball travels down the lane.

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Answer to last weeks question:
Q – What is the record for the most fouls ever in one league game and who did it?

A – 15 – Bud Mathieson from Ocean Beach, CA on 12/30/1946

This weeks question:
Q – Who was the first person to bowl a 300 game on live television?


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 Posted by at 6:00 am

Talk Bowling #66 – Painful Thumb Problems, Storm’s PSA Drilling Lay

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Oct 082010

Question from Richard McCusker:
Q – I have a “painful thumb" problem that needs to go away. Short of amputation, I’m looking for a solution. I’ve noticed a few bowlers “shaking the pain out" after releasing the ball, even when they’re rolling nothing but strikes and spares. And for less talented others, I suspect their grimacing isn’t just over a disappointing pin-fall. When I bring the subject up, the most common responses are either a shrugged-shoulder or quizzical expression. A few have told me to just wrap tape around my thumb until I get used to the pain, but I only subscribe to a “suck-it-up" philosophy when there are no other options.

A –

Today on “In The Pro Shop” we are going to cover how to layout out a ball using Storm’s PSA Drilling Instructions.  This will give you an idea of how to layout a ball using the pin, mass bias (PSA) and a pin buffer to tune your ball reaction.

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Answer to last weeks question:
Q – Who has the most USBC sanctioned 800 series?

A – John Chacko Jr with 100.  Second place is John Delp with 89.

Congratulations to our resident question guru kingpin on getting this one correct.

This weeks question:
Q – What is the record for the most fouls ever in one league game and who did it?


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 Posted by at 11:52 am
Sep 242010

Question from Dave:
Q – I really enjoy watching Talk Bowling.  My questions are some league bowlers bring in several balls 6,8 or more, is this really the way to go?  I just bring in my 1 strike ball and move until it works (which is usually the tenth frame of the third game).  

A – My suggestion is to have a minimum of two balls with you.  One being your strike ball or ball that you tend to use most often in league.  The second in my opinion should be a plastic spare ball to shoot at your spare with.  If you do not use a spare ball I still feel you should have at least one other option.

When bowling in a regular league you can usually get your equipment down to two or three balls since the lane conditions generally tend to stay the same from week to week.  

If you are bowling in a “sport” league or PBA experience league I can see bringing more balls in to have more options as the lane changes and certain changes are needed in equipment.  To bring 6 or 8 balls into league is a little much and I find that most of the time those people tend to confuse themselves with balls changes throughout the night.

The other time to bring that many bowling balls with you is to a tournament.  Sometimes you don’t know what pattern is being used.  Also, you usually bowl many games on multiple lanes.  It’s usually better to get the equipment to match the lane conditions, than to try to change your approach.

Question from ChristianL0530:
Q – What is the Total Invasion?  Never heard of it, I was just o the web site and found nothing about a Total Invasion?

A – The Total Invasion does appear to be an overseas release of the Invasion.  I was not able to find any specifics about the ball except a picture.  Usually these balls are tweaked just a little and released in a different color for international distribution.

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Answer to last weeks question:
Q – What is the oldest certified bowling alley in the United States?

A – The Holler House in Milwaukee, WI was opened in 1908.

Congratulations to @DaneWoj and KingPin2897
KingPin added: It first opened on September 13, 1908. The Holler House also still has 2 lanes that need pinboys. They even have five, 15# wooden bowling balls.

This weeks question:
Q – Who has the most USBC sanctioned 800 series?


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 Posted by at 7:00 am
Sep 172010

Question from Phil:
Q – That was an interesting discussion of “sport leagues” and lower averages, but you neglected to explain just what a sport league is.  Why would you expect the averages to be significantly lower?

A – Great question and we are sorry for assuming that our viewers knew what that was.  We always try and think of it from every angle and sometimes we miss, thanks for the question. define sport bowling as a competitive on-lane adventure like no other.  High-tech equipment and forgiving lane conditions tend to conceal weaknesses in the games of even the top bowlers.  Competing on the same lane patterns used in the highest level of competition can help you fine and eliminate weaknesses in your game.

Basically using tougher lane conditions sport bowling helps bring averages back into range of what a bowler may actually be at.  This is why we said it would most likely lower averages because due to equipment and lane conditions most averages are inflated quite a bit.

Question from Michael P:
Q – I was wondering what you guys think about pin placement and top weight when ordering a ball.  What do you suggest that we get?  Cause I ordered a new ball and got a 3-4 oz top weight and a 3-4” pin placement.  I wasn’t sure what they give if you do not ask for the specs.

A – As for what pin and top weight you should ask for that depends a lot on what type of drilling you are planning on doing with your new ball.  If you do not have something specific in mind and you may just use the manufacturers suggested layout then I would suggest asking for either a 2-3” or 3-4” pin and top weight would not really matter.

Remember that the biggest factor in the layout of a ball is the distance the pin is from your PAP and the placement or distance of the Mass Bias in relation to your grip or your PAP.  Top weight does not play a large factor at all and the use of a balance or wight hole will bring the ball back to legal specs statically.

If a request is not made on an order our warehouse selects a ball at random.  Please keep in mind that all the products we sell are first quality unless clearly stated otherwise and the specs of those balls fall within the manufacturers limits for pin distance and top weight.

Just a real quick reminder also that on we guarantee your specs will be met within a 1/2” on pin placement and a 1/2 oz. on top weight.  If we can not meet these specs we will contact you before we ship your order.

Sponsors: is the World’s Largest Site for Shoes.  They have over 750,000 products from 950 top name brands in all sizes, widths, and colors for men, women, teens and children. customers enjoy free shipping both ways on US orders.  TalkBowling viewers can save 10% on their purchase at by entering the promotion code TALK during checkout.  Help support us by supporting our affiliates.

Answer to last weeks question:
Q – What was the highest beginner’s first league score ever bowled?

A – It was a 253 by Bud Terrell of Bloomfield, Iowa, in 1974.

This weeks question:
Q – What is the oldest certified bowling alley in the United States?


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 Posted by at 7:13 am
Sep 092010

Talk Bowling – Episode #63

Question from viewer:
Q – Guys your video on the Lane #1 Pink Panther is awesome.  It looks like a really good ball for all you guys.  I was looking at it on your web site and had a question about the factory finish, what does 6421 mean?

A – Lane #1 bowling balls are currently manufactured by 900 Global.  They have a unique finishing technique that allows the ball to be polished while maintaining some grit under the polish.  6421 means the ball is sanded down with 60 micron (230 grit), then 40 micron (320 grit), then 20 micron (500 grit), then 10 micron (1000 grit).  Then it is polished with Rough Buff compound for 20 seconds two times.

Good question and keep in mind that the ball reaction can be tweaked by adjusting the surface of the ball both in grit of the sand and in the polish used.

Question from Andy:
Q – This question is for Tony, I was wondering can you hear your ball roll down the lane?  I want to know this because I am not 100% sure if I am a tweener or a cranker, thanks!

A – Normally no, I do not hear anything when my ball goes down the lane.  If I miss one maybe you will hear a finger hole real quick but not normally.  Keep in mind this may not be the best way to figure out where your game fits.  Hitting a hole while the ball goes down the lane has to do with your track and how much the ball is flaring.  I know strokers and crankers whose ball you hear nothing when they throw it and visa versa.

Question from Kingpin:
Q – Why do bowling balls die, or lose all of their hook?

A – This is something that all ball manufacturers have been working on to find an answer to and figure out how to make the ball reaction last a little longer.  As we have explained in previous shows these newer balls are like sponges an as you bowl they absorb oil.  Over time the pores in the cover get full and this creates less friction leading to a loss in ball reaction.

The other reason comes from the surface again.  The surface is full of peaks and valleys. You can see them if you were to look at it under a microscope.  Over time these peaks and valleys smooth out and again create less friction on the lane leading to less ball reaction.  The proper maintenance is the best way to ensure you get the most from your ball over the the life cycle of the ball.

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Answer to last weeks question:
Q – Who holds the record for the most gutter balls in one game and how many was it?

A – Richard C of Danielson, CT – 19 straight gutter balls

This weeks question:
Q – What was the highest beginner’s first league score ever bowled?
 Posted by at 10:52 pm