There are infinite ways to apply oil to a bowling lane. However, there are some standard patterns that are used. We are going to discuss the various PBA oil patterns over the next several weeks. We will start with the Chameleon Oil Pattern.
We also discuss the Johnny Petraglia Scoring System. It is a very simple to understand scoring system. You continue to bowl until you knock down all of the pins. A strike gets you a score of 1, a spare gets you a score of 2, and so on. Low score wins just like golf. You bowl 10 frames, so a perfect score is 10. Carolyn Dorin-Ballard almost did it on TV a couple of weeks ago when she shot an 11. Threw the first 9 strikes and then a spare in the 10th frame.
Question of the week:
Are you a fan of the new Petraglia Scoring Method? Vote to the right ————–>
Last weeks answer:
The three main parts of a bowling lane from the foul lane towards the pins are:
- The first 15 feet are called the Heads
- The next 30 feet is called the Mid Lane
- The final 15 feet up to the head pin are the Backends